The Supremacy and Sufficiency of the Person and Work of Jesus Christ – August 11, 2024

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Audio Recording

August 11, 2024, Worship Service, New Port Presbyterian Church
Led by Pastor Darrell Jung

Welcome and Announcements
Song, Introit: Have Thine Own Way, Lord! – Guitar
Call to Worship: John 1:1-3; 14
Song: Come, Christians Join to Sing – Congregation Singing
Song: We Will Glorify – Congregation Singing
Song: You are My King (Amazing Love) – Congregation Singing
Prayer of Adoration and Invocation
The Nicene Creed
Call to Confession and Repentance: John 14:15
Corporate Prayer and Silent Prayer of Confession and Repentance
God’s Assurance of Pardon for His People: Colossians 1:13-14
Congregational Prayer (Abridged); The Lord’s Prayer
Bible verse for giving of Tithes and Offerings: Psalm 54:6
Song: What A Friend We Have in Jesus – Guitar and Voice
Song: Doxology – Congregation Singing
Prayer (Abridged)
Bible verses for Sermon: Colossians 1:15-23
Sermon: The Supremacy and Sufficiency of the Person and Work of Jesus Christ – Pastor Darrell Jung
Song: As The Deer (Psalm 42) – Congregation Singing
Benediction: from Jude 24-25 – Pastor Darrell Jung
Song: The Gloria Patri – Congregation Singing